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Queer Everywhere


We're spreading the queer graffiti everywhere we can. At the very most we hope it empowers someone to be themselves, at the very least we hope it makes someone smile.


R.I.P Gender Roles


Gender roles are damaging to adults and especially young people. In children as young as 4 gender differences can be seen. Shy, timid girls making themselves look pretty and playing with dolls whilst brave boys play rough, get dirty and build Lego structures. These gender roles have damaging effects, so many girls underestimate their ability and intelligence, and lack confidence. Boys on the other hand, have poor emotional intelligence, and are much more likely to have behavioural problems. For children who will not conform to gender roles, life can also be very hard. Everyone remembers the outsiders in school, the sensitive boy, the girl in boys clothes, the boy bad at sports, the girl who didn’t wear make-up or grow her hair. How did they fair? Was their school life a breezy care-free ride?

Gender roles are holding the next generation back. They prevent them from developing freely, into whatever they choose to be.

It’s time we put gender roles aside and make way for a more equal future. 


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